7 T/20 cm Bruker BioSpec

preclinical mri/s – "7 T"

Bruker 7 T / 20 cm

McKnight Brain Institute, LG-172

7 Tesla Bruker BioSpec instrument

7T System Calendar

Upcoming Events

  1. Feb 11

  2. Feb 14

  3. Feb 17

  4. Feb 18

  5. Feb 19


  • Bruker Biospin 70/20 USR horizontal magnet
  • NEO console/Paravision 360 V3.3 with 3 channel transmitters (2 1H /1 BB) and 4 channel receivers
  • 10A Shim Power Supply
  • IECO GPA-400-750, 400A/750V peak 3-Axis MRI Gradient Amplifier
  • Gradient Coils
    • RRI BFG-200/115-S11 – bore size 115mm, Gmax = 670mT/m (@300A) with 120us risetime
    • RRI BFG-113/60-S: bore size 60mm, Gmax = 1500 mT/m @150A with 130 µs risetime
  • RF Coils
    • 1H – 112/86 mm quadrature volume TR coil with active decoupling
    • 1H – 59/36 mm quadrature volume TR coil
    • 1H – cryoprobe 4-element array receive-only for mice
    • 1H – rat 4-element array receive-only
    • 1H – 20 mm planner surface coil receive-only
    • 1H/13C dual-tuned 112/73 mm volume linear TR coil with active decoupling
    • 1H/31P dual-tuned 20 mm surface linear TR coil

A consensus protocol for functional connectivity analysis: Dr. Marcelo Febo and AMRIS staff collaborated with a consortium of facilities to develop best practices for collecting high quality preclinical fMRI data. The lead author, Dr. Joanes Grandjean, is an Assistant Professor at the Donders Institute which is part of Radboud University in the Netherlands. He is the primary driver of these international standardization efforts for fMRI in rodents. These protocols are available on our 11 T system and will be available on our 7 T system in the coming weeks.

Grant Acknowledgement

ALL PUBLICATIONS that include data obtained through MagLab (AMRIS) instrumentation, or involvement of MagLab-funded personnel at the AMRIS Facility, should acknowledge the corresponding NSF, NIH, and State of Florida grants that apply to instrumentation and usage time, in addition to the user’s project-specific funding sources.

Any users who publish data acquired on the Bruker 7T need to acknowledge the funding source that made this state-of-the-art scanner possible. Publications, presentations, or other activities or products should include the following acknowledgements:

  • “This work was supported in part by an NIH award, S10 OD030293, for MRI/S instrumentation.”

Also, please tick the box for this grant (S10 OD030293) when you update your NIH-funding on publications through NCBI.