Goodbye, 60 cm Achieva; Hello, 70 cm Elition

April 16, 2020

Making progress

Today we closed a chapter in AMRIS as we officially said goodbye to the Philips Achieva scanner. After 14 years of collecting research data for us, it is headed back to the Philips factory for refurbishing before it is resold for clinical use. The new Philips Elition will be arriving in May. We hope to have more information in the coming weeks on when research can begin again on both the Prisma and Elition scanners.

Goodbye, Achieva.

This new 3T magnet from Philips features the newest technology for clinical MRI research and provides the quality and performance needed for imaging studies at UF.  The system comes with the latest technologies for neuro and whole body imaging, including digital signal transmission for increased signal to noise (SNR).  It also has a 70 cm diameter bore, compared to the more traditional 60 cm bore size, that will provide extra space for example in-bore equipment or larger research subjects. The larger bore in this magnet doesn’t compromise the magnetic homogeneity, an important property of MRI magnets and which is traditionally harder to achieve as the bore gets larger.

Being able to place in-bore equipment will facilitate  MRI measurements otherwise not possible or hard to do, such as exercise equipment for muscle physiology measurements Or more easily be able to measure liver stiffness, an important property to evaluate  many liver diseases and potential treatments. The larger bore also ease the claustrophobia felt by some subjects, helping research to be able to scan more subjects.

This magnet will support all  aspects of research at UF that needs MRI as a tool to answers the researchers questions on function of the human body and its diseases. Researchers at UF  will have advanced MR imaging and spectroscopy tools available at their hands for research on neuro, body, musculoskeletal (MSK) and cardiac.  Due to its larger bore size the main focus will be on body imaging but it is well capable of performing state-of-the-art neurological examinations.  Example of studies on the body is  muscle dystrophies, liver studies, and cardiac imaging where heart function can be investigated. The scanner is also equipped with many of the tools needed for clinical trials, and important part of human MRI research at the 3 T AMRIS facility.

For Archive Purposes: Information on the former 3 T/60 cm Philips Achieva system

This 3.0 Tesla, 32-channel Philips whole-body human MR scanner is dedicated to research. The scanner is equipped with a series of coils for MR studies of human organ systems, including a 32-channel head coil for neuroimaging applications with significant gains in signal-to-noise ratio and acquisition speed. An ESys® system by Invivo (Invivo Corporation, Gainesville, Florida) is available for presenting video and audio signals including functional MRI task paradigms to the subjects during scanning as well as entertainment use (DVD movies). A plug-and-play button response device (“Package 932”) by Current Designs Inc. is available for collecting subject responses in fMRI studies.

System Console Model: Achieva

Software Release: R5.3.1.3


Available Coils

Project Development

  • When an investigator is planning a project that will use the 3T MRI/S scanner, the investigator(s) must discuss the project with Dr. Jens Rosenberg to review their needed protocol and make sure the needed instrumentation and techniques are available, i.e. hardware exists, protocols may be put together readily, and that sufficient protocol development and/or validation time is allocated. If necessary, Dr. Rosenberg can assist in developing an imaging protocol based on specific needs of a project; it is important to realize that optimizing a specific protocol for a particular project is critical to obtaining significant data.

Instrument Time for Protocol Development

  • The AMRIS Facility can allocate up to 2 hours of development time for each funded project to implement and test protocols. If the development is more involved than can be accomplished in this time, the investigator(s) must fund additional time from their project budget and/or include Dr. Rosenberg in the project as a co-investigator.
  • For pilot studies to acquire preliminary data, there are several funding mechanisms available through the MBI, CTSI, and SECIM programs at UF. For an ongoing project, if a new device is added and some testing is needed as planned when the project was launched, additional protocol development up to 1 hour without charge may be approved by Dr. Rosenberg. For grant proposals to external funding agencies that need MR techniques and protocols not already available on our scanner and will require Dr. Rosenberg’s time to develop them, the grant application budget must include any funds needed for acquisition of the hardware and/or software and funds to support Dr. Rosenberg’s time developing the protocols . If the hardware and/or the necessary MR protocols or sequences required for a project are not already available in AMRIS and would be of interest to the larger 3T user group, requests may also be made to the 3T advisory committee to fund the needed hardware or sequences with 3T funds (see below).

Proposals for Advanced Hardware and Extended Project Development Support

  • When an investigator or user group purchases a new coil, installs auxiliary equipment, or develops/implements a new software sequence, the time needed for full implementation, calibration, and QC testing may be beyond the scope of standard protocol development time.  If new hardware, MR protocols or sequences are for general use by the larger user community, users may request that a sufficient scanner time be made available at no charge to them for more complex development projects. If necessary, Dr. Rosenberg can assist in project development with his consulting time also provided by AMRIS. If hardware and/or commercially available MR protocols or sequences are needed, requests may also be made to fund the needed hardware or sequences with 3T development funds. A development project proposal must be submitted to the AMRIS facility (to Dr. Long, Dr. Mareci, and Dr. Rosenberg) for preliminary review of feasibility and time needed. It will then be submitted to the full 3T advisory committee for discussion and review. The advisory committee meets quarterly, but under extenuating circumstances review may be expedited via electronic discussion and recommendations. A development project pursued internally requires a two-three page proposal with the following information:
    1. The specific hardware/protocol/sequence proposed (with relevant references). Also include information on any partner institutions that will be assisting in a transfer of a technique from their scanner and preliminary data supporting feasibility.
    2. Documentation of user demand for this functionality and funded research projects which would benefit
    3. A proposed development budget detailing instrument development time, staff consulting time, any funds needed for scanner hardware (i.e. coils) or software purchases, and any funds needed for auxiliary (third party) equipment or data analysis software. Attach relevant quotes for hardware and or software packages. If approved, the AMRIS Facility will make needed purchases and then will then allocate the needed development time during off-peak operations (i.e. after 3 pm on weekdays or on weekends). When applying to funding agencies to obtain new equipment or software beyond what can be funded through 3T development funds, the AMRIS facility can provide a letter of support for the development time needed to implement new protocols utilizing them provided the 3T advisory committee has approved a development project for them.

Data Analysis

  • Investigator(s) are also encouraged to review with Dr. Rosenberg their needs for processing and analysis of data acquired on the 3T MRI/S scanner in order to ensure sufficient resources are allocated for this purpose in grant applications.

Screening Form

Screening Form (Spanish)

Attendant Screening Form