3 T/60 cm Siemens Prisma

human imaging – "Siemens 3T"

3 T/60 cm Siemens Prisma

McKnight Brain Institute, LG-100

siemens 3t mri

Siemens 3T System Calendar

Upcoming Events

  1. Jan 13

  2. Jan 14

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A checklist for new human imaging projects is available here.

System Information

This whole-body 3 T MRI scanner from Siemens includes the latest acquisition techniques for human MRI research, such as multinuclear capability, techniques for functional MRI (fMRI) and advanced diffusion imaging (dMRI), and techniques for magnetic resonance elastography (MRE), spectroscopy (MRI/S), and whole-body scanning and much more. The Prisma is equipped with an unmatched 80 mT/m @ 200 T/m/s gradient system, parallel transmit capabilities, a series of MR coils and pulse sequence packages for advanced MR imaging and spectroscopy research of human neuro, body, and MSK systems.

The availability of this system facilitates cross-compatibility with MRI/S facilities at other institutions for multi-center studies, and alignment of UF imaging with big data multi-site studies for Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, the Human Connectome Project and the NIH Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study. Whole body scanning capabilities enable needed correlative measurements in obesity, diabetes, osteoarthritis, aging and dystrophy studies. In addition, the scanner is equipped with many of the tools needed for clinical trials.

The scanner is operated by accredited, licensed and experienced MRI technologists. For more information please contact Dr. Jens Rosenberg at rosenb@ufl.edu, phone 352-294-8811 or Tammy Nicholson at tammyrnicholson@mbi.ufl.edu

System Console Model: Magnetom Prisma 3T / 60 cm

Software Release: VE11C

Highlighted Capabilities 

  • Working bore diameter of 60 cm
  • High-performance gradient system (80 mT/m @ 200 T/m/s simultaneously, on all three axes)
  • Tim 4G RF system with 128 independent channels.
  • Field of view, 50 ´ 50 ´ 50 cm3
  • Multinuclear capabilities
  • Software version VE11C and several licenses for advanced neuro application such as diffusion, DTI, spectroscopy, and perfusion
  • Full body imaging capability: connecting up to 204 coil elements simultaneously, enabling one subject setup, no re-positioning, no changing of coils
  • MR elastography with equipment from Resoundant, Inc.

Available Coils

  • Body Coil – Integrated whole body transmit / receive coil with 32 rungs
  • 64-channel Head/Neck
  • 20-channel Head/Neck
  • 18-channel Body
  • Small (4-ch) & Large (4-ch) Flex
  • 15-channel T/R Knee
  • 32-channel Spine
  • 36-channel Peripheral Angio

The following 3rd party coils are available for research use. Interested users should contact Dr. Jens Rosenberg.

  • Rapid Biomedical transmit receive 1H/31P flexible surface coil
  • Rapid Biomedical quad 1H/31P volume coil (Ø = 26.5 cm)

Available C2P and Siemens WIP Sequences

The following WIP sequences are available for research use. Interested users should contact Dr. Jens Rosenberg.

Siemens Work-In-Progress (WIP)

  • PETRA (WIP 794F, 811I, and 811F)
  • Image-Selected In vivo Spectroscopy (ISIS)
  • Mega Press
  • Medic

Siemens C2P

  • 31P-CSI
  • Creatine CEST
  • Blipped CAPI
  • ABCD study sequences
  • 2D/3D PCASL
  • Hermes, MEGA PRESS
  • Fingerprinting MRI (MGH)
  • Multidimensional diffusion
  • Sequences provided by University of Minnesota and Center for Magnetic Resonance Research (CMRR):
    • Multi-band EPI
    • Multi-band EPI PCASL
    • Spectroscopy package (LASER, SEMI-LASER, MEGA-PRESS, STEAM, FAST(EST) MAP)

Data storage

Users are responsible to retrieve their data immediately after the data has been collected. With the limited storage space on the workstation it is not guaranteed that the data will be available longer than 48 hours after the data is collected.

The 3T facility is now offering users to retrieve their data using a cloud based UF hosting service (SMB Share drive). This drive can be accessed from Mac, Windows and Linux computers via your Gator ID credentials. Each group/PI will have its own folder to which we will copy the desired data (Dicoms, Twix, Raw data, screenshots, etc.). The project PI and lab members who have been given access to the group folder can then access this folder from any computer around the University campus or through the UF VPN service. Each group will only have access to their specific folder. Both scanners are set up to access the SMB Share.

This is a TEMPORARY storage with limited space. Your data should be copied over to your permanent storage solution and REMOVED within 1 week after your MRI session. Depending on the total space used on the Share, data might be stored longer. Data stored longer than 1 week can be deleted without notice.

To sign up add and how to access the share see SMB Storage.

External hard drives can also be used, included encrypted drives that does not require software to be installed on the workstation.

Visual Projection System

For visual presentation, the scanner is equipped with a BOLDscreen 32 from Cambridge Research Systems. featuring a  32″ 1920×1080 IPS LCD panel with native 10-bit RGB color resolution and a contrast ratio of 1400:1 (measured with the backlight on; [1 1 1]:[0 0 0] RGB contrast ratio). The panel features 120 Hz panel drive capability, and a fast 5 ms grey-to-grey response time. The digital video input box (AVI) will synchronize to a 1920×1080 @ 120 Hz video signal and will output video at the same rate. The BOLDscreen 32 AVI supports inputs at other resolutions and frame rates, including from sources like iPads and Internet streaming media players. Users can connect to the AVI box with a computer equipped with a DisplayPort or HDMI connection.


Subject Response System

To complement the stimulus presentation equipment, an MRI compatible fiber-optic response gathering system is also supplied. The response system is from Current Designs and features automatic handheld device identification, optical triggering and 32 channels with automatic gain adjustment and response device identification.

The primary output for most users is the full-speed USB output, which simplifies interfacing to any hardware or program, and RS-232 serial and TTL parallel outputs are also available for special interfacing needs and for support of older programs and computers. Currently available response devices are 2-button, 8-button, scroll click, and trackball devices.

Physiological measurements

MRI-compatible equipment for physiological measurements is available from BioPac, Inc. The BioPac equipment consist of three modules able to measure ECG, SpO2 and blood pressure. Users can attach additional modules to this unit at their own expense. All consumables associated with the BioPac (wipes, ECG leads, gel, etc.) must be provided by each individual research group. A list of consumable products can be found below together with respective product number for easy ordering. This is shared equipment between both the Philips MR7700 and Siemens Prisma scanners. Please contact Dr. Rosenberg for further information.

BioPac Consumables

Ancillary Facilities

Four examination rooms are available for subject screening and preparation. Two of the examination rooms, LG-110E and LG-110A are for Philips and Siemens respectively and are reserved one hour prior to the scheduled MRI exam. The other two (LG-110D and LG-110B) can be pre-booked if more time is needed for subject preparation. Two waiting areas are also provided where researchers and individuals accompanying the participants (e.g., parents and/or guardians) may wait. There is also space provided where participants can change into scrubs or other MRI appropriate clothing. A room with limited storage space for individual research group owned MRI equipment is also available.

Booking, Rate and Cancellations

Booking can be made continuously on a first come-first-serve basis using the online booking system after a billing code has been set up with the AMRIS Facility. To set up a billing code please contact the AMRIS Office Manager. If available, the requested time will be scheduled. Otherwise, a 3 T staff member will contact the requester to schedule an alternate time. It is highly recommended that the user checks the 3 T Siemens calendar prior to submitting a time request to make sure the desired time is available. Submitting requests to “place-hold” and for “defensive booking” are not allowed, but the Facility will work with investigators who need to regularly schedule reservations when they have a subject or experiment planned.

Cancellations for prime-time hours between 8 am to 2 pm must be made one week prior to the scheduled exam. All other times must be cancelled at least 48 business hours (two business days) prior to the scheduled exam. Any cancellations within the one week (for 8 am to 2 pm reservations) or 48 business hours (for other times) before the scheduled exam time will be charged at the hourly rate for the reserved time unless another billable study can make use of the time.

Hourly rates (Current; effective July 1st, 2024)

  • Eff. Aug 2, 2021: STAFFED HOURS are 7am – 7pm Monday through Friday
  • 7 am – 7 pm Monday through Friday: $550/ hour 
  • All other times with no staff: $500/ hour
  • All other times with staff: $550/ hour
  • Commercial (for-profit) scanning: $1650/ hour


To obtain access to the AMRIS 3 T facility, all personnel must attend an AMRIS Facility general magnet safety class held monthly by Dr. James Collins.

We do allow students and staff to scan without a MRI technologist present. In order to do so you need to be trained by one of our technologists to safely operate the scanner followed by an online safety component. The online MRI safety training (EHS868) can be found on https://mytraining.hr.ufl.edu/ or use this link. Once both components are completed you will be designated as Level II operator. Please contact Tammy Nicholson or Jens Rosenberg for more information.

Grant Acknowledgement

ALL PUBLICATIONS that include data obtained through MagLab (AMRIS) instrumentation, or involvement of MagLab-funded personnel at the AMRIS Facility, should acknowledge the corresponding NSF, NIH, and State of Florida grants that apply to instrumentation and usage time, in addition to the user’s project-specific funding sources.

Any users who publish data acquired on the Siemens Prisma need to acknowledge the funding source that made this state-of-the-art scanner possible. Publications, presentations, or other activities or products should include the following acknowledgements:

“This work was supported in part by an NIH award, S10 OD021726, for High End Instrumentation.”

Also, please tick the box for this grant (S10 OD021726) when you update your NIH-funding on publications through NCBI.

Project Development

For any new study (new billing code), two hours of protocol development time is allowed on the scanner, free of charge. Investigators should discuss their project with Dr. Rosenberg to review their needed protocol and make sure the required instrumentation, techniques and sequences are available, and that sufficient protocol development and/or validation time is allocated. If necessary, Dr. Rosenberg can assist in developing an imaging protocol based on specific needs of a project; it is important to realize that optimizing a specific protocol for a particular project is critical to obtaining significant data. If the development is more involved than can be accomplished by refining Philips product sequences and/or it involves significant technical development, the investigator(s) must fund Dr. Rosenberg’s time from their project budget and/or include Dr. Rosenberg in the project as a co-investigator.

Instrument Time for Protocol Development

  • For pilot studies to acquire preliminary data, there are several funding mechanisms available through the MBICTSI, and SECIM programs at UF.
  • For grant proposals to external funding agencies that need MR techniques and protocols not already available on our scanner and will require Dr. Rosenberg’s time to develop them, the grant application budget must include any funds needed for acquisition of the hardware and/or software and funds to support Dr. Rosenberg’s time developing the protocols.
  • If the hardware and/or necessary MR protocols or sequences required for a project are not already available in the AMRIS Facility and would be of interest to the larger 3 T user group, requests may be made to Dr. Rosenberg, Dr. Long, and Dr. Merritt for AMRIS assistance in purchasing the needed hardware or sequences. For large purchases, approval from the 3 T advisory group will also be needed.

Proposals for Advanced Hardware and Extended Project Development Support

  • When an investigator or user group purchases a new coil, installs auxiliary equipment, or develops/implements a new acquisition pulse sequence, the time for full implementation, calibration, and QC testing may be beyond the scope of standard protocol development time. If new hardware, MR protocols or sequences are for general use by the larger user community, users may request that a sufficient scanner time be made available at no charge to them for more complex development projects. If needed in this case, Dr. Rosenberg can assist in project development with his consulting time provided by AMRIS Facility. If hardware and/or commercially available MR protocols or sequences are needed, requests may also be made to fund the needed hardware or sequences with 3 T development funds. A development project proposal must be submitted to the AMRIS Facility (to Dr. Long, Dr. Merritt, and Dr. Rosenberg) for preliminary review of feasibility and time needed. It will then be submitted to the full 3 T advisory committee for discussion and review. The advisory committee meets quarterly, but under extenuating circumstances review may be expedited via electronic discussion and recommendations. A development project pursued internally requires a 2-to-3 page proposal with the following information:
    • The specific hardware/protocol/sequence proposed (with relevant references). Also include preliminary data supporting feasibility and information on any partner institutions that will be assisting in a transfer of the proposed hardware/protocol/sequence.
    • Documentation of user demand for this functionality and funded research projects that will benefit.
    • A proposed development budget detailing instrument development time, staff consulting time, any funds needed for scanner hardware (i.e. coils) or software purchases, and any funds needed for auxiliary (third party) equipment or data analysis software. Attach relevant quotes for hardware and or software packages.
  • If approved, the AMRIS Facility will make purchases and allocate the needed development time during off-peak hours of operations (i.e. after 2 pm on weekdays or on weekends). When applying to funding agencies to obtain new equipment or software beyond what can be funded through 3 T development funds, the AMRIS facility can provide a letter of support for the development time needed to implement new protocols utilizing them provided the 3 T advisory committee has approved a development project for them.

Data Analysis

  • Investigator(s) are also encouraged to review with Dr. Rosenberg their needs for processing and analysis of data acquired on the 3 T MRI/S scanner to ensure sufficient resources are allocated for this purpose in grant applications.

Screening Form
Screening Form (Spanish)
Attendant Screening Form