ML-MANNING-001 ----------------------- Jim Rocca, for Prof. Thomas Manning of Valdosta State University. Two samples, as copper complexes, One in CDCl3, and one in D2O. ------------------------------------ TJM_Bryo-pan-SA-H2Oextract_CF in CDCl3. - BryoStatin - Here is a list of the experiment numbers. 1 Proton, Wide Spectra Width 2 Proton 3 COSY 4 HSQC 5 HMBC 6 Carbon, DEPTQ-135, CH3 and CH (+), CH2 and Cq (-), 6.9 hours 7 Carbon, 13.8 hours 8 Proton, Stability Check 360 1H Pulse Calibration 1001 Proton, Very Wide Spectra Width