Cryo800 MHz/54 mm Bruker Avance III

"Cryo 800"

800 MHz/54 mm Bruker Avance III

MBI, AMRIS Facility, LG-123C

800 MHz NMR system with cryoprobe and autosampler features

"Cryo 800" System Calendar

Upcoming Events

  1. Feb 12

  2. Feb 13

  3. Feb 20

  4. Feb 27

  5. Mar 04

NMR experiments may be acquired using an Avance III spectrometer manufactured by Bruker Bio-Spin, operating at a field strength of 18.8 tesla (800 MHz) with a 54mm bore. Spectroscopy data are collected using TopSpin software (version 3.6.5).

  • 5mm TCI 1H/13C/15N Triple-Resonance (RT)
  • 5mm TCI cryoprobe

The Cryo800 has now been upgraded with a Bruker SampleCase. This sample changer will allow for easier access to insert samples, as well as for improved remote operation and automation of this system. It does operate differently from the other sample changer in use in AMRIS (The SampleJet on the Cryo600), so please contact a member of AMRIS Staff (James Collins or Jim Rocca) before you attempt to operate this system. We can discuss its capabilities with you and provide a short tutorial on its operation.

Grant Acknowledgement

ALL PUBLICATIONS that include data obtained through MagLab (AMRIS) instrumentation, or involvement of MagLab-funded personnel at the AMRIS Facility, should acknowledge the corresponding NSF, NIH, and State of Florida grants that apply to instrumentation and usage time, in addition to the user’s project-specific funding sources.