Reservations Request for System Time "*" indicates required fields Name* Email* Alternate Email Magnet System*500 MHz600 MHz Silver (Hypersense)600 MHz Neo Cryo600 MHz Cryo - Chemistry600 MHz Wide (2021 Neo console)750 MHz800 MHz800 MHz CryoSiemens 3TPhilips 3T7T11TAMRIS Billing Code*ABISAMBRA-001ALLEN-001ALVAREZ-ALVARADO-001ARMSTRONG-001ASTUDILLO-001AXOGEN-001BARNARD-002BECKER-001BEXION-001BODISON-001BODISON-002BOISSONEAULT-001BOSE-001BOSE-002BOSE-003BRRC-001BURKE-001BURNS-002BUTCHER-001BYRNE-008BYRNE-009BYRNE-011BYRNE-012CAMPBELL-THOMPSON-001CELESTIAL-001CENTANNI-001CENTANNI-002CHAKRABARTY-002CLARK-002CLARK-003CLARK-004CLARK-005CLARK-006CLARK-007COHEN-007CONNOLLY-001COOMBES-CRUZALMEIDA-001CORTI-001CORTI-002CORTI-MARECI-001CRUZ-ALMEIDA-001CRUZ-ALMEIDA-005CRUZALMEIDA-EBNER-001CUSI-008CUSI-009CUSI-011CUSI-012CUSI-013DBOWERS-001DBOWERS-003DBOWERS-004DCLARK-001DEMO-001DING-003EBNER-002EBNER-003EDDY-001EDDY-002ELTON-001ENCORE-001FALK-001FARRER-001FEBO-001FEBO-005FEBO-006FERRIS-001FERRIS-002FILLINGIM-001FILLINGIM-002FIRPI-MORELL-001FIRPI-MORELL-004FORBES-002GERTLER-001GHIVIRIGA-001GOICOLEA-001GUARIN-001GULLETT-001GULLETT-002GUO-002GUPTA-001HAMMERS-001INDAHLASTARI-001KEELEY-002KEIL-001KEIL-002KHANNA-001KHEMTONG-002KHOSHBOUEI-001LAITANO-001LAMB-001LIGHTHALL-001LIGHTHALL-EBNER-001LIGON-001LONG-001LONG-DNPLOTT-004LUESCH-003MARCINKO-001MARECI-003MARECI-006MEDCHEM-001MERRITT-SU-001MERRITT-R01-002MICKLE-001MILLER-002ML-BBAKER-002ML-BARA-001ML-BELTRANHUARAC-002ML-BHADHA-001ML-BRADY-003ML-CASABIANCA-001ML-CENTANNI-001ML-CONRADI-001ML-FIGUEROA-002ML-GSCHNEIDER-001ML-GUO-001ML-HAN-001ML-HARRIS-002ML-INGO-001ML-JJONES-002ML-KLEMMT-001ML-LIVELY-005ML-LIVELY-006ML-LYe-001ML-MANNING-001ML-MARECI-003ML-MARTIN-001ML-MARTIN-002ML-MCKENNA-002ML-MERRITT-002ML-NINO-001ML-RUDOLF-002ML-SARNTINORANONT-004ML-SEARLES-001ML-SUMERLIN-001ML-SWEENEY-002ML-TALHAM-002ML-TITUS-001ML-VLACHOS-001ML-WYLIE-001ML-ZSMITH-002ML-ZSMITH-003MLDEV-HARDWAREMLDEV-MAINTENANCEMLDEV-METHODMLDEV-REPAIRMLDEV-SETUPMOON-001MORRISON-001NICHOLS-001NIXON-001NOBLEMAN-001OBENAUS-001ODELL-001OLIVEIRA-001PEPINE-001PEPINE-002PIZZI-001PORGES-004PORGES-005PORGES-006PORGES-007POZZI-001POZZI-002POZZI-003PRICE-001ROBINSON-002ROUSSOS-RAMIREZ-001SAYOUR-001SCOTT-001SEIDLER-001SEIDLER-002SEIDLER-003SEIDLER-004SEIDLER-005SHIH-001SHUKLA-001SHUKLA-002SUBRAMONY-002SUBRAMONY-003SUBRAMONY-004SUBRAMONY-005SUBRAMONY-006SUBRAMONY-007SUBRAMONY-008SUBRAMONY-009SUN-001SWEENEY-003SWANSON-001TAIVASSALO-001TAIVASSALO-003TAIVASSALO-004TAIVASSALO-005TERRY-001VAHDAT-001VAHDAT-002VAHDAT-003VAHDAT-004VAILLAN-001VALLEJOS-001VANDEN-010VANDEN-011VANDEN-012VANDEN-013VANDEN-014VASENKOV-008WALSH-001WALTER-003WALTER-005WALTER-006WANG-002WEISBERG-GENL-001WEISBERG-K01-002WEISBERG-MOORE-003WILLCOCKS-003WILLIAMS-001WILLIAMSON-005WILLIAMSON-006WILLIAMSON-007WILLIAMSON-008WILLIAMSON-009WOODS-008WOODS-011WOODS-012ZIELINSKI-001ZINGARIELLO-002ZOIS-001If you expect to see a specific billing code and it is not present, please email the Office Manager ( Billing codes are cleared out due to inactivity/expired projects regularly, but you may re-activate or replace them at any time.Principal Investigator* Spectroscopy or Imaging* Spectroscopy Imaging 500 MHz Probe*5mm Smart Probe5mm Broadband X{1H}5mm Triple-resonance TXI2.5mm Triple-resonance TXILow E 3.2mm SolidsCryo600 (Neo) Probe1.7mm TCI Micro CryoProbe600 MHz Probe*5mm Imaging10mm Imaging5mm SpectroscopyMicro-Surface CoilsLow E 3.2mm Cross-Polarization MAS4mm Cross-Polarization MAS4mm High-Resolution MAS5mm 1H Diffusion Coil Extreme VT5mm 13C Diffusion Coil Extreme VT5mm Triple-resonance5mm Triple-resonance - Broadband5mm 19F/1H Dual18 mm for 13C18 mm for 13C with bearing ring removed800 MHz Probe5mm Triple-Resonance4mm HRMASCryo800 Probe5mm RT TXI5mm Cryo TXI600 MHz Cryo - Chemistry Probe5mm TXI Cryoprobe750 ProbeDIFF60Low-E 4mm Solids5mm TXI2.5mm TXI750 DIFF60 RF Coil5mm 1H5mm 1H EVT5mm 13C EVT5mm 129Xe EVT750 MHz Gradients*Micro 2.5Micro 5Planar Gradients750 Imaging Coil for Large Gradients5mm10mm15mm18mm20mm25mm30mm2.5mm Solenoid6x8mm Surface Coil750 Imaging Coil for Micro5 Gradients5mm10mmMicro Surface Coil2.5mm Solenoid750 Micro-Surface Coils for Planar Gradients50um100um200um500umNucleus1H13C31P2H19F129XeOther - Specify belowConsultant/OperatorNoneJames CollinsMaria Luiza Caldas NogueiraYing LiHuadong ZengConsultant/OperatorNoneHuadong ZengConsultant is required for: Setup Experiment Duration Processing Operator RequestedTammy NicholsonJudith SteadmanShane ChatfieldYou must submit a separate request for each block of time.We cannot promise that you will get the date or time that you request.Requested Starting Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Requested Starting Time:* Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Enter end date and time -OR- enter the # hours (@hourly rate) or # days (@daily rate), depending on billing for that systemThe number of hours you enter will book the system for that increment. For example, entering the number _1_ hours will book a chosen start time of 9am until 10am. This block is primarily intended for the HOURLY RATE systems. Otherwise, a request submitted for 1 _day_ increment will reserve a 24-hr period that is based on the standard workday, from 8:00am that day until 7:59am the next morning. This block is intended for the DAILY RATE systems, regardless of whether you specify the number of hours or an end time of less than 24 hours, you will be billed for the full day rate which ends at 7:59am the following morning.End Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY End Time: Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Number of Days Number of Hours Starting Date/Time flexible? Yes Prefer requested date/time Dates or Times you CANNOT use the system Experiment Type in vivo ex vivo Phantom you are responsible for all anesthesia, drugs and related suppliesSubject Studied Organ Studied IACUC or IRB Number* IACUC Number* 7T Gradient RequiredBFG-200/115-S11BFG-113/60-S11T Gradient RequiredBFG-240/120-S6BFG 113/60-SBFG 400/260-S74.7T RF Coils1H - 200MHz, solenoid linear 1.0cm (Coil 202)1H - 200MHz, solenoid linear 1.2cm1H - 200MHz, quadrature birdcage 3.3/6.2cm (Coil 301)1H - 200MHz, quadrature birdcage 5.0/8.8cm (Coil 302)1H - 200MHz, quadrature birdcage 9.5/14cm1H - 200MHz, quadrature birdcage TX-only, 8.8/11.6cm (Coil307)/ 3.0x3.5cm quadrature RX-only coil,1H - 200MHz, Varian quadrature birdcage 3.8/10.8cm1H - 200MHz, Varian quadrature birdcage 6.3/10.8cm1H - 200MHz, quadrature surface coil 2.0x3.0cm1H - 200MHz, quadrature surface coil 1.5x2.9cm1H - 200MHz, Four element surface array - each element 3.0cm x 3.0cm31P - 81MHz, 1.5cm diameter13C - 50MHz, 1.5cm diameterOther – please specify below7T RF Coils1H - 112/86 mm quadrature volume TR coil with active decoupling1H - 59/36 mm quadrature volume TR coil1H - cryoprobe 4-element array receive-only for mice1H - rat 4-element array receive-only1H - 20 mm planner surface coil receive-only1H/13C dual-tuned 112/73 mm volume linear TR coil with active decoupling1H/31P dual-tuned 20 mm surface linear TR coilOther – please specify below11T RF Coils1H - Rapid Rat Phased Array 2x2/AMRIS 85mm Quad Volume1H - Rapid Mouse Phased Array 2x2/AMRIS 85mm Quad Volume31P - 190.5MHz, surface linear 1.2x2.0cm31P - 190.5MHz, surface linear 0.8x1.2cm13C -118MHz, surface linear0.9x1.2cm1H - 470.7MHz, quadrature birdcage 3.2/7.6cm (Coil 301)1H - 470.7MHz, loop-gap linear 1.3cm (fits Agilent 205/120HD gradient)1H – 470.7MHz, quadrature surface coil 2.5x3.5cm1H - 470.7MHz, quadrature birdcage 5.1/9.5cm Coil 302)1H - 470.7MHz, quadrature birdcage TX-only 8.8/11.6cm (Coil307)1H - 470.7MHz, loop-gap linear 1.3cm(fits RRI 113/60 gradient)1H - 470.7MHz, quadrature birdcage 3.0/5.9cm (fits RRI 113/60 gradient)1H - 470.7 MHz, quadrature birdcage 9.5/13.9cm1H - 470.7MHz, Bruker linear birdcage coil 7.2/11.0cm1H - 470.7MHz, Agilent quadrature birdcage coil 7.6/12.0cm1H - 470.7MHz, quadrature surface coil 2.0x2.5cm31P - 190.5 MHz, single loop surface linear 3x3cmOther – please specify belowGas Required Air O2 Other - List in Special Requirements Notes/Special Requirements (3T BioPac?) AMRIS policy is that cancellations must be made at least 48 business hours (two business days) in advance. The only exception to this 48-hour cancellation policy is if you find a replacement reservation.