AMRIS Faculty regularly offer coursework in NMR/MRI/MRS theory and applications. The following is a partial list of NMR/MRI/MRS course offerings at the University of Florida. Synopses of BCH courses can be found at . Please contact Teresa White to register for those courses ( ). Postdocs and senior graduate students are welcome to audit the lectures and/or labs if they would find it helpful to their research.
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy in Living Systems (BCH 6741; 3 credits)
When: Fall; typically 4th period for lectures on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with lab times arranged for students’ schedules.
BCH6741 syllabus
- Introduction to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (GMS 6082; 1 credit)
When: Fall and Spring (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
GMS6082 syllabus
- Movement Disorders (APK 6145; 3 credits)
When: Every other Spring, 8-11am Tuesday
APK6145 syllabus
- Molecular Structure and Dynamics by NMR Spectroscopy (BCH 6745; 1 credit for course, 1 credit for lab)
When: Odd years, Fall semesters
BCH6745 syllabus
- Introduction to Spin Dynamics and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (CHM 6580; 3 credits)
When: Even years, Spring semesters
CHM6580 syllabus