Pre-screening Room Reservations

The AMRIS facility is pleased to offer waiting areas and private rooms for participant screening and testing. Room 110 D may be reserved when longer periods are required for subject testing (at no charge for groups with scans booked on same day) through the form below. All screening/testing rooms have a table, three chairs, and wired internet access. Wireless internet access for both researchers (UF and Eduroam) and subjects (UF guest) is also provided throughout the suite.

Current calendar status is available for 110 D at this link (Room 110 B is temporarily unavailable.)

Pre-screening room reservations

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Reservation begin time*
Reservation end time*
Pre-screening Room*
Please select the room available below.

Pre-Screening Room 110 D

  1. Sep 18

  2. Sep 20

  3. Sep 23

  4. Sep 24